Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jennifer Monson Workshop

Last Thursday, after viewing the Audubon exhibit I didn't know what to expect for the dance workshop. As we waited for the performers to arrive, we realized we were the performers. Jennifer Monson was an eccentric character who broke the boundary between speaker and audience. I think it was very effective to have everyone introduce themselves and form a circle like in a discussion setting. A group of strangers became like a flock of birds migrating around the museum and listening to each other. Members of the group even referenced peers by name as if we were all close friends.

I must admit I was antsy at the beginning because I just didn't know where she was going to or what she was going to do. I really wanted to see her dance because she seemed like an experienced, unique dancer. However I enjoyed the group activity and meditation aspects of the workshop. It was a refreshing break from my afternoon and I left feeling as though I couldn't accurately convey what happened without sounding ridiculous. "...Then we ran around the first floor of the art gallery avoiding potential predators..."

Finally, Monson and a few of her students performed outside in the rain. It was obviously a very natural setting and all of the onlookers seemed very impressed from behind the glass window. Monson and her students were in their element, unaffected by the rain or the wet gravel. It was their stage and they danced and embraced the surrounding with no difficulty.

Looking back, it was a unique and bizarre experience that I don't think I would have enjoyed as much if I knew what was coming. That element of surprise or lack of control helped me go with the flow and work with the other audience members to learn from Monson.

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