Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Week of Firsts

I enjoyed White Out because it was my first true modern dance experience. At some points, I was antsy because I didn't know what was coming or how long each dance would be. By the second or third dance, I was more relaxed and willing to get engaged in the story that was being danced before my eyes.

I have to agree with Bryan's post though as we did see the performance a week ago, so it is not as fresh in mind as I would like which is also why I'm going to focus on the Chinese Acrobats.

This class has been a "first" for me in many ways as I have experienced performances and discussions that I have had nowhere else. Tuesday night, the Chinese Acrobat performance was no exception. The contorting bodies, choreographed movements and colorful costumes amazed me. While I would be in severe pain after completing many of the acts, the performers appeared happy or at least they had a smile on their face. Obviously, they have trained, prepared, rehearsed and so on but I still think I would be a little bent out of shape (no pun intended) after a performance of this nature.

The audience "ooohh"ed and "ahh"ed in sync as the performers did a variety of stunts. As I looked around, there were a variety of ages in the audience, which attests to the universality of art. This performance was art in my mind because of the talent and the performer's intent to convey a type of story through the music and costumes that usually corresponded with gender. Steve pointed out that the women performed during more "flowery" songs while the men were like warriors with a stronger beat.

My favorite act was the women on the bicycles. I imagined an invisible circular track that the thin metal bicycles fit on as more and more performers hopped on the bike. It was incredible and nerve racking because the last thing I wanted was for someone to fall off! But I think that is part of the experience. The majority of the audience can't do what each of those performers did and yet we still think there is a chance of failure but are suddenly surprised when everything goes smoothly making us gasp even louder.

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