Saturday, February 21, 2009

NY Times column with Eve Ensler

Here is a very disturbing column by Bob Herbert, on a horrifying war against women and girls in the Congo. He mentions Eve Ensler (Necessary Targets) who is trying to draw attention to this atrocity.

It is as if, in these particular instances, some window to what we think of as our common humanity had been closed. As The Times’s Jeffrey Gettleman, on assignment in Congo, wrote last fall:

“Many of these rapes have been marked by a level of brutality that is shocking even by the twisted standards of a place riven by civil war and haunted by warlords and drug-crazed child soldiers.”

Dr. Mukwege visited me at The Times last week. He was accompanied by the playwright, Eve Ensler, who has been passionate in her efforts to bring attention and assistance to the women of Congo.

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